Fermentation & The OJ Simpson Saga

Do you ever wonder how people find you on the Internet? Wineries, wine retailers and restaurants certainly do, as well as every other business that hopes to connect with prospective customers over the Internet. Bloggers should be wondering this too. One of the best ways to discover how you are being discovered (or how your website or blog is being discovered) is to look at your stats and see what keywords used in search engines bring eyeball to you.

I do this on occasion. It’s not always part of my morning routine, which has become fairly involved with email, media and blogging beginning anytime between 5am and 7am. But I do look at keyword searches on a fairly regular basis to see just how folks find FERMENTATION.

I have learned one thing: This blog is probably providing a momentary respite for those high school and college folks who are studying basic fermentation and have done a search on Google for information about "fermentation".

The list below shows the top 50 search terms in order of most frequent that most recently led folks to this blog. Some of the search terms are pretty weird. How does someone get to FERMENTATION: The Daily Wine Blog while searching on "O.J. Simpson Saga"?

top wine writers
wine fermentation
how to raise alcohol contents in home make wine.com
www.anziani che chiavano
wine drop shipping
careers in the wine industry
o.j. simpson saga
wine blog
what influences the supply of wine
fermentation in wine
ravenswood rosato 2005 wine making notes
bordeaux 2005 review
wine blogs
mark fisher,journalist
wall street wines reviews
wine for hot tub
rating wine 20 point system
north carolina wine education
celebrity wine cellar
fermentation of ice wine
fermentation blog
http://www.di vini
aerial wine
wall street wines
things going wrong while fermenting wine
wine sweetness rating
laws shipping alcohol to washington state
archives of general psychiatry january 2007 substance abuse
wines for a blue mood
wine circles 20th anniveraery speeches
grape radio
carlo rossi wine reviews
imitation of wine names
liquor barn boycott
ragazze senza mutande
napa valley branding
does the cap stop coming to the surface when the fermentation has stopped
pelosi wine
terroir and marketing
pelosi vineyard
dark & delicious
new school wine
gallo wines toronto corp office
carlo rossi paisano refrigerate
wine media trends
virginia wine sales law

12 Responses

  1. andrea gori - October 6, 2008

    hey tom, did you know that “anziani che chiavano” means (in italian) old men fucking?!?

  2. J David Harden - October 6, 2008

    And ragazze senza mutande is (in Italian) girls without panties.
    I’m thinking I must have missed some really good posts when I was touring the Congo without Wi-fi this summer.

  3. KatieP - October 6, 2008

    Funny you mention this because I’ve noticed a trend in search terms used to get to my blog…I’m a huge music geek in addition to wine/food, so rather than give my posts titles, I use song lyrics that pertain to the subject. Because of that, a lot of the hits I get from search engines are people looking for song lyrics! It’s great.

  4. Arthur - October 6, 2008

    If you use statcounter.com you can see what page showed up in the O.J. query results…

  5. fredric koeppel - October 6, 2008

    that’s hilarious…. my favorite is that someone got to BTYH by searching on “drinking wine at work,” which seemed like a good idea to me.

  6. el jefe - October 6, 2008

    Isn’t anyone searching for pussy anymore? Are times that bad?

  7. Arthur - October 6, 2008

    Do you have any idea what the rates for that are these days? I mean the good stuff or the Spearmint Rhino version….

  8. el jefe - October 6, 2008

    Thankfully, no! 😉

  9. amy atwood - October 7, 2008

    Given the past few comments, I feel compelled to mention sex somewhere in my comment.
    But actually, all I want to know is how you track keyword searches and study stats?

  10. Tom Wark - October 7, 2008

    No requirement to mention sex in your post. However, doing so gets you bonus points, but only if the comment is made between 8pm and 6am PST.
    I use StatCounter to track stats and it allows me to see what key words folks used at search engines that eventually brought them to fermentation.

  11. Dylan - October 7, 2008

    Google Analytics is another great resource for tracking.

  12. Mark Fisher - October 10, 2008

    Good heavens, how did I get in there? O.J. and Mark Fisher on the same search-term list, leading to Fermentation? Oh well, any day’s a good day to be linked to Tom Wark …

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