Archive for the ‘Culture and Wine’ Category

Jul 6, 2005

A Presidential Wine Request

Just the other day I came close to bemoaning the fact that American wine drinkers rarely quaff aged wines. My wife, who reads this blog religiously only because she likes it so much, reported that of late my posts have had a bit of the "bemoan" in them. So I’ve been trying to avoid that style of writing. So, let’s call this post about Americans aging wine "A request". In fact, let’s call it a "Presidential Request." I recently learned…

Jul 5, 2005

A Winery for the Ages

I had a chance to appreciate a wine with a bit of age on it this weekend while celebrating Independence Day. While the 20 or so different Roses I tasted were the focus of the holiday parties, I did wrap my palate around a 1999 William Selyem Russian River Valley Chardonnay. It was really delicious with a citrus core, creamy palate and nose of burnt marshmallow and meyer lemon.  Yet it make me stop and think about just how little…

Jul 1, 2005

The Snake and the Winemakers

The purchase of an elected official is hardly uncommon in America. There is, in fact, a long and distinguished history of graft that runs like a snake though the American era. Yet, one of the real accomplishments of the American culture is that this snake has not swallowed all political commerce. There remains a real, not feigned, expectation among voters of fair dealings when it comes to matters of public policy. It is the American practice of expecting something more…

Jun 27, 2005

America’s Wine University Turns 125

America’s premier wine and grapegrowing institution of higher learning is celebrating its 125th anniversary paving the way for great wine. U.C Davis was mandated in 1880 to establish a program in enology and viticulture. More California winemakers have taken their education at Davis than anywhere else. Davis was crucial to getting the California wine industry up and running after prohibition. What made them so important was their responsiveness to the industry. The Department of Enology and Viticulture has always worked…

Jun 22, 2005

They aren’t all Bad…

Let it not be said that FERMENTATIONS is a blog that only bashes wholesalers. The fact is, beyond dong a great job of getting wine on the shelves SOME Wholesaler organizatons are doing the right thing. One of the right things the MA Wholesalers are doing is trying to convince minors not to drink and not to drive drunk. This press release outlines a little program they are engaging in along with the Century Council to help in that regard….