Archive for the ‘FermSurvey’ Category

Jul 16, 2007

Wine Blog Survey Ending Today

The current survey on wine blogs and how they are used will close down today at 5pm. If you have not yet taken the survey, I urge you to so. CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE WINE BLOG SURVEY The results will be posted as soon as possible. Thanks very much to those who have participated.

Jul 13, 2007

Go Ahead And Do It!

Now’s as good a time as any! Go ahead. do itTake the Survey on How and Why Wine Blogs Are Read The survey is only a few questions long and shouldn’t take more than two or three minutes max. Your answers and identity are strictly confidential. We’ll be publishing the results of the survey next week. Thanks very much in advance!!

Jul 9, 2007

Survey: The Meaning of Wine Blogs

Why do you like wine blogs? Do you like them? How do you read them? What do you look for in a wine blog? I’ve been wondering what you all think of wine blogs in general and how you use them. So I thought I’d ask…in the form of a survey. Your identity and your responses to "THE MEANING OF WINE BLOGS" survey is confidential. So, have at it. Let me know what wine blogs mean to you! To fill…

Nov 29, 2006

Wine Ratings: Who Loves Them…Who Doesn’t?

Anyone who doubts the power of numerical wine ratings, particularly the 100 Point system, just isn’t living in the same world as me. Let me explain what I, a wine marketer, see when I look at numerical ratings: 1. The opportunity to become an overnight success with a single rating from the right reviewer 2. The opportunity to have my entire brand dismissed with a single wrathing from the wrong reviewer. 3. The chance to sell out 1000s of cases…

Nov 28, 2006

Who Wants High Alcohol Wines?

By my reckoning and perspective, both personal and from within the industry, the biggest issue facing the wine business is the emergence of high alcohol wines as the norm. This was why I included two questions about them this blogs recent "Tough Wine Questions" survey. I could, and probably should, have included more questions on the the topic. If it’s not clear, I should spell out my general objections to the trend that is higher and higher alcohol levels in…