Archive for the ‘H.R. 5034’ Category

Sep 1, 2010

FTC Paper Says Wine Wholesaler Protection Laws Harm Consumers

Anyone familiar with "Franchise Laws" within the alcohol beverage industry will not be surprised to learn that in a working paper prepared by an attorney and economist for the Federal Trade Commission, such laws were determined to hurt consumers. Or, to put it as the authors of the Working Paper put it, such Franchise Protection Laws: “are associated with harming consumers in the form of higher prices and reduced out-put” Let me translate: protectionist legislation sought and obtained by wine…

Aug 19, 2010

Liquidity Preference is a Great Read…Go Find Out Why

The embarrassment I feel when I come across a long running editorial outlet that is both extremely well done and relatively unknown to me is palpable. I also get a bit angry with myself because I know now that had I been reading this editorial outlet I'd be a smarter person today. This is exactly how I feel about Jacob Grier's "Liquidity Preference", a blog that delves into "Cocktails, Coffee and Commentary". I've been reading through Jacob's work on this…

Aug 12, 2010

Halting the Momentum for HR 5034

H.R. 5034, the bill written and sponsored by the National Beer Wholesalers Association and supported by the Wine & Spirit Wholesales Association, has yet to receive a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. And despite it having 136 Co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, there is yet to be introduced a companion bill in the Senate. What has appeared to happen to this legislation that, if passed, would give states the unassailable right to pass discriminatory bans on wine shipping…

Aug 6, 2010

Alcohol Wholesalers Are Responsible for Wine Shipping Lawsuits

A recent comment by the head of the Wine & Spirit Wholesalers Association got me thinking about an important question: Who is responsible for all the lawsuits that supporters of H.R. 5034 claim is the reason for this legislation? In a recent Los Angeles Times article concerning the impact of H.R. 5034, a bill that would allow states to pass any and all discriminatory legislation concerning alcohol, Craig Wolf, the president of the Wine & Spirit Wholesalers of America, stated…

Jul 30, 2010

Wine Blogs and The Law

Of late, this blog has concentrated a bit more than usual on the the politics and regulations concerning the alcohol beverage industry. The introduction of H.R. 5034 has prompted the relative increase in political posts. However, Fermentation is hardly the only blog that focuses on issues of politics, regulations, legislation and the legal aspects of the alcohol beverage industry. A number of other blogs, some quite new and promising, speak to these issues and should be considered resources for those…