Posts Tagged ‘wine sales’
We are in for years of wine-shipping and wine sales related litigation. Years! Maryland wineries and wine distributors have apparently agreed on a compromise that will allow that state’s wineries to continue to sell direct to restaurants and retailers and bypassing wholesalers and distributors altogether. The compromise was necessary when the state’s comptroller ruled last June that allowing Maryland wineries to do this violated the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution because out of state wineries did not have the…
No doubt if you’ve been looking at the wine stories that have been running across the wires in the last couple of days you will have seen the release of sales figures for California wine. The news is good. Sales are up for California wine. What’s interesting about the story is the way a prominent wine industry analyst describes the condition of the market for California wine: “Wine is enjoying this wonderful moment of very favorable attitudes,” said industry consultant…
A lawsuit was filed today in Texas claiming the state’s prohibition against consumers having wine shipped to them from out of state retailers is unconstitutional. This would be the case because Texas wine lovers are allowed to have wine shipped to them from in-state retailers. The recently formed Specialty Wine Retailers Association is behind the lawsuit and Ken Starr’s name is on the lawsuit. It’s bound to get attention for this reason alone. It’s hard to imagine on what grounds…
No one likes to be left out. But that’s exactly what’s been happening to wine retailers since last year’s Supreme Court decision that has prompted a wave of new wine laws across the country. In every new law that has address direct to consumer sales since the Granholm V. Heald Supreme Court case, retailers have been either dismissed or were not even at the bargaining table. That’s about to change. The newly formed Specialty Wine Retailers Association has put together…
The battles over direct shipment of wine across state borders has largely been a fight between wineries and wine wholesalers, the former wanting the right to ship wine direct while the latter hoping to stop it all together. What’s been missing from the discussion has been the voice of wine retailers. That’s likely to change with the creation of the Specialty Wine Retailers Association. The creation of a number of companies that rely on direct shipping, SWRA will work to…