Posts Tagged ‘wine shipping’
Here’s good news… The Florida legislature has apparently refused to pass a bill that would have put a cap on the size of the winery that is allowed to ship wine to Florida consumers. The Florida House passed a bill restricting direct shipping only to those wineries that produced 250,000 gallons of wine annually or less. The cap provision is protectionism, pure and simple. It is a provision that protects large distributors from having to compete with the convenience that…
If you are a consumer want to have wine shipped to you or if you are a winery or retail establishment and you want to do the shipping it can be a pretty complex world. But have no fear, the ShipCompliant Blog is here to answer your question and bring you the latest news from the front. Created by the folks at ShipCompliant, the Winery Direct Shipping blog brings a lot of expertise to the table. And if one thing…
It’s not something to be proud of, but it’s often the case. Sometimes, when you’ve been working for long long time on something and you just want it to be over, you are willing to accept a conclusion to the project that you know just isn’t the best it could be. But, it does bring the project to a conclusion so you accept mediocrity. Most of us take this route from time to time, but the problem with it is….down…
Just once, I’d like to hear an honest to goodness principled argument by those who would advocate wine consumers be limited in their access to fine wines. Just once. What would a principled argument for limiting consumer access to fine wine look like? 1. It should be consistentThe argument should be able to make sense no matter where it can be made and no matter who would be making it. 2. It should avoid the taint of NIMBYISMToo often arguments…
We are in for years of wine-shipping and wine sales related litigation. Years! Maryland wineries and wine distributors have apparently agreed on a compromise that will allow that state’s wineries to continue to sell direct to restaurants and retailers and bypassing wholesalers and distributors altogether. The compromise was necessary when the state’s comptroller ruled last June that allowing Maryland wineries to do this violated the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution because out of state wineries did not have the…