Archive for the ‘Cannabis’ Category

Oct 30, 2020

Report—Cannabis Impacting Wine and Alcohol Sales

Over the past week or so, Wine-Searcher’s W. Blake Gray has done a fantastic job of covering how Napa Valley’s powers that be are reacting to the cannabis marketplace. A little over a week ago Gray reported how Napa Valley is helping the California cannabis industry create its own AVA or appellation system for cannabis, while at the same time working to prevent a “Napa Valley” cannabis AVA. More recently, Gray covered the disagreement inside the Napa Valley wine industry…

Aug 16, 2020

Update On Cannabis’ Impact On Wine Sales: Don’t Worry At All

KMOV Chicago reports that cannabis sales are WAY up during the pandemic. It also reports this anecdotal explanation from Katie Johnston-Smith, an Illinoisan who is helping boost the sale of Cannabis by using cannabis a couple times a week rather than a couple times per month to overcome anxiety: “It was pretty nice because it did help me mellow out. I was like, ‘Oh, this is way better than mellowing out with a glass of wine.‘” The wine industry shouldn’t…

Apr 22, 2019

What Does the Wine Industry Have to Learn from the Cannabis Industry?

Over at writer Chris Macias, who has a good deal of experience writing about wine, provides the cannabis industry readers seven important lessons they can learn from the California wine industry. And all of them are true: -Put on your suit and tie and start lobbying-Establish education and service certifications-Watch out for the snob factor-Bring customers into the tasting room and tell your story-Are you a boutique? Take advantage of your niche -Establish and promote appellations-Learn to break bread…

Mar 29, 2019

Booze, Cannabis and the Limit of Good Ideas

How many of you are familiar with the taste of cannabis? Raise your hand. Now that it’s established that a good number of FERMENTATION readers are also familiar with cannabis and all its attributes, raise your hand if you think the aromatic and flavor elements of cannabis are something you want to add to your food and drink. Far be it for me to be a judgemental ass, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head, nose, and tastebuds…

Feb 1, 2019

The Wine Narrative is Slowly Changing—In a Bad Way

“Narrative” It’s a word that has come to be used more and more over the past decade to describe a given explanation or story concerning one topic or another. Most often you see the term “narrative” used to describe how the media is telling a particular story. For example, “the current narrative is that the Trump team worked with Russian representatives to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.” That’s a narrative. It may or may not be true. I…