Archive for the ‘Consider This Wine’ Category

Mar 4, 2009

The Bitch in the Black Dress

You can usually see her coming a mile away, leaving a wake of gawkers behind her. All gussied up in that sleekly cut black dress. Strutting and strolling like she knows her name and embraces it with delight. She's the one that knocks you off your feet; stops you in your tracks with her dimensions, attitude, grace and come-hither look that seems to be tattooed across her brow and body. There are certain wines that embody the nature of The…

Jan 24, 2009

A Melancholy Detachment

A melancholy detachment A state of bemusement brought on by feelings of bliss An internal debate between envy and happiness A sadness provoked by missed opportunity A state of barely composed elation that borders on pride-inspired excitement. It has been a while since I spent time thinking how wine can help induce or maintain these and other emotional states. But it can. Surely it's the effects of the alcohol in the wine and not the wine itself that lets us…

Oct 15, 2008

Any Port in a (economic) Storm

I’ve been thinking about THIS POST from Steve Bachmann’s "Wine Collector" blog since it hit. Maybe anyone else with a retirement portfolio or investments should also. Like most folks in their 40s, I’ve got IRAs, savings, investments, etc. The idea is to save up enough for when you retire so that you don’t have to fight for a place on Van Ness Avenue where you can stand all day holding a sign that says, "Former PR Exec Down and Out…Any…

Sep 23, 2008

The Care and Feeding of Dashed Hopes

The disappointment of imperfection and dashed hopes can be the worst kind, particularly when your expectations were set inappropriately high. I’m not a big fan of dashed hopes and don’t often take take it well when shown this kind of disappointment can occur. Sometimes it happens in life, sometimes in wine. Among the most recent set of dashed hopes I’ve had to cope with was the disintegration of a set of wines I expected to find great joy from, but…