Archive for the ‘Wine Legal Battles’ Category
Where ever there are hills and vines I think we can expect a movement to restrict exactly how vineyards are planted. We are seeing this scenario play out once again, this time in the Santa Cruz Mountains south of San Francisco and one of the most impressive growing regions in the state. Napa Valley and Sonoma County has already dealt with the issue of where and how vines can be planted on hillsides. The movement to preserve the hillsides as…
I’m a father. So, believe me when I tell you that I really do have concern for the welfare of my kids, and with the ability for all kids to interact with our culture and society safely. However, I can’t help but think that our nation’s obsession with "demon rum" too often goes over the line and just looks dumb. In Boise, Idaho there is a movie theater that is very unique. For a long time it has offered it’s…
No one likes to be left out. But that’s exactly what’s been happening to wine retailers since last year’s Supreme Court decision that has prompted a wave of new wine laws across the country. In every new law that has address direct to consumer sales since the Granholm V. Heald Supreme Court case, retailers have been either dismissed or were not even at the bargaining table. That’s about to change. The newly formed Specialty Wine Retailers Association has put together…
It appears that Indiana’s wine wholesalers, in cahoots with the legislature, have successfully gobbled up more of the state’s wine market, while making it more difficult for Indiana consumers to purchase wines and Indiana wineries to do business. And if you want to know just how successful the wine wholesalers were at putting the screws to the notion of competition, all you have to know is that the Indiana wholesalers are pretty happy with the outcome. The new law, which…
So, the European Union and the United States are happy wine couple. At least that’s the impression one gets from reading the AMAZING NUMBER of stories that ran last week and continue to appear this week about the signing of a bilateral "wine accord". In essence, the two parties have agreed to 1) the U.S will strict the use of certain names on wine bottles such as "Champagne", "Port" and "Sherry. 2) American wines made with winemaking practices outlawed in…