Archive for the ‘Wine Legal Battles’ Category

May 22, 2008

Getting Bent Over In Illinois

I’m a big fan of press releases in today’s day and age. They allow us to get out information to a larger number of people than in the past, they can be formatted, sent and posted so that those who want the information are the ones to get it. And it allows me to get out this kind of information: "According to "FollowTheMoney.Org", which tracks state campaign contributions, the lead sponsor of HB 429, Representative Edward Acevedo, has received $32,000…

May 19, 2008

Wine Distributors & The Death of the Family Winery

You don’t see it pointed out much, but here’s the fact the of the matter: The wholesaler-dominated and controlled system of wine distribution in America hurts small business and hurts family businesses. A new article in Forbes by Dirk Smillie that outlines why it’s likely that 20% of all American wineries will be sold off over the next five years makes this point in a backhanded sort of way, but it’s a point worth taking not of: "The expected selloff…

May 13, 2008

X-Ray Wine Specs…AMAZING!

Randy Hall, in response to our report that American Wine Wholesalers claim they are saving lives by making sure no tainted wine hits the shelves, answered the question I forgot to answer. Namely, How exactly do those amazing wholesalers actually check each and every bottle of wine to make sure it isn’t tainted, thereby saving countless lives? His Answer? X-RAY WINE GOGGLES!! And he’s right. Why it’s downright amazing the kind of space age technology that can be developed when…

May 13, 2008

The Train to Wonderland & the F-uck You Factor

How does the Wine & Spirit Wholesalers of America tell American wine consumers to F*ck Off? Like this: "The American consumer who’s complaining that he can’t get some obscure frou-frou wine produced and bottled by Croatian virgins is missing the point. The reason he even WANTS that bottle of wine is because of the incredible variety that is already on the shelves! And how did it get there? WE put it there!"Jack Goldenberg, Chairman of WSWA at their annual convention…

May 12, 2008

An Object Lesson

If you ever wanted an object lesson in the "Blinders On" mentality that results when a state controls and restricts consumers’ access to wine, all you have to do is read THIS STORY in the Salt Lake City Tribune on ordering wine direct through the state run system that turned into a 5 month odyssey of frustration and surrealism. The report begins by noting that Utahans often order one of the tens of thousands of wines the Utah state system…