Archive for the ‘Public Relations & Wine’ Category
Why won’t you say “Thank you“? Saying “thank you” when a person of any occupation or circumstance praises or draws positive attention to your work, is the gracious and appropriate and normal thing to do. It’s also the most inexpensive marketing and PR effort you can make that also happens to carry the highest Return on Investment. A friend of mine, a wine writer, related to me that in twenty some odd years of writing at a prominent media outlet…
There is a good, general rule in wine media relations: Try not to send generic press releases or story pitches to those members of the media who are highly unlikely to have any interest in them. It’s a good rule because when your Virginia winery sends a press release to San Francisco Chronicle Wine, Beer and Spirits Write Esther Mobley about your inclusion in Food & Wine Magazine’s “Top Ten Best Wineries To Visit in Virginia” story, you are likely…
There are a number of types of compliments that professional publicists appreciate most. Among them is the one I received the other day from a wine writer: “That was just about the best story pitch I’ve received in years.” I showed that one around. There were a few reasons the pitch was good. It had little to do with the story I was pitching nor with the quality of the client. It had to do with the way the story…
I haven’t done an “update” of me or this site for readers in some time. Almost ever. So, it was about time. Here’s how to navigate and understand this blog and me: About the Fermentation Blog I mainly write about the wine business, wine media, and the link between wine and culture. I love to get story pitches and often respond well to them, but It’s best to keep the pitches aimed at the topics above. I don’t accept paid…
What happens when the fires are out? Clearly, that depends on what you’ve suffered or not suffered. But the question isn’t directed at any individual or at individuals at all. It is directed at the “Napa Valley”. Napa Valley is in the business of growing grapes, making wine and selling that wine. It’s in the business of hospitality. Hosting. The key issue for the industry (and the entire community that depends on the successful industry) is demonstrating to potential customers…