Archive for the ‘Wine Consumers’ Category

Nov 4, 2018

Wine, Consumers and the Court

There is no other category of consumer whose day to day commercial habits are more impacted by politics than wine consumers. Their product choices, the places they can purchase products, the age at which they may purchase wine products, and the way by which they may purchase wine are all dictated by politics. The reason for this is the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, which dictated that in addition to ending 14 years of national prohibition of drinking, the Amendment…

Sep 27, 2018

Ten Ways Wine Can Combat the Threat of Cannabis

Here are five paragraphs from a news story concerning cannabis and wine with which members of the wine industry ought to be very concerned: Jena, a 27-year-old business operations employee based in Chicago, has consumed alcohol socially for nearly a decade. In recent months, however, she decided it was not worth the calories or hangovers. She switched to cannabis products, and now she smokes marijuana once or twice a week and eats gummy candies with cannabidiol, also known as CBD, a…

Aug 27, 2018

On Boycotts, Wine and the World

In a continuation of his provocative “August Essays”, influential writer Andrew Jefford makes the case that wine drinkers have a moral and ethical responsibility to choose their drinks with an eye toward responding the “extraordinary times unfolding around us”. Jefford argues that our purchasing choices ought to be guided by the way in which a producer or country is responding to or playing a role in a “world in which unilateralism, threats, posturing, bullying and sanctions are superseding multilateralism and consensus.” In…

Aug 24, 2018

Crime and Punishment in the Wine Industry

In its fierce “determination to put an end to anti-competitive practices that hurt law-abiding businesses and prevent consumers from enjoying a wide selection of products” the TTB announced that it had levied punishment upon Napa Valley’s Modus Operandi Cellars. The crime? “Consignment sales of wine to wholesalers who were not obligated to pay for the wine until after it had been sold to retailers.” The Punishment: “A one day (emphasis added) suspension of its basic permit.” I’m not suggesting that Modus…

Jul 27, 2018

The Wine is Dry and You’ll Like it, Damn It!

A new survey conducted on behalf of Jordon Winery answered the question, at what age do Americans begin appreciating wine. The answer was 29 years old. The survey doesn’t answer why it takes this long, and that’s disappointing. However, the survey did ask the question what does the average American like about wine: “Americans prefer their wine to be smooth (56 percent), fruity (48 percent), and sweet (47 percent)…” This is interesting but hardly surprising. All you have to do…