Posts Tagged ‘california wine’

May 24, 2006

The New Paris Tasting Wines…what’s being tasted?

Today is the day of the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the 1976 "Tasting of Paris". A new taste off will occur in France and in Napa Valley. The orginal tasting helped put CA wines on the map when CA took top prize among whites and reds. There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding this new tasting, particularly over whether or not the wines will be tasted blind. That said, we should have the results today. I came across…

May 24, 2006

On Zin…

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE THE  FERMENTATION READER SURVEY ============================================================ My weekly post at Wine Sediments, a group wine blog, is up and concerns the Zinfandel Advocates & Producers upcoming ZINPOSIUM. If  you have more than a passing interest in the grape and the wine ZINPOSIUM an event taking place July 7-9. All the names and wines will be there. Click on the link above to read the Wine Sediments post and get the background on the event. ================================================================DON’T FORGET TO…

May 23, 2006

Brilliance & Terroir

It was, I believe, the great Gore Vidal who once wrote, "Every time a friend of mine succeeds a little part of me dies." It’s a pretty astute, and brave, commentary on the effects and power of envy. Some of us bloggers fancy ourselves decent writers. Some of us are mistaken, some close to the mark, other are underestimating their value completely if they think themselves only decent writers. A safe self assessment puts me somewhere between the first two…

May 22, 2006

$111K for a Bottle? Sure!…$500…Nope!

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE THE  FERMENTATION READER SURVEY ============================================================  Working at and for in the late 1990s was exciting on a number of different levels. It was the DotCom boom so you felt like you were changing the way the wine world worked buy creating an online market for rare wine. And it worked. Thousands of people bought and sold rare and not-so-rare wines at Winebid. The other part of the excitement had not so much to do with…

May 19, 2006

There are questions that need answering.

CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY Your responses to the Fermentation Reader Survey are 100% confidential. Not even I will know who you are.    I’ll just know the answers that are left in the survey form, but I’ll not know who left them. The survey is quite short: only 16 short questions. The Survey will be up for about 1 week. At the end of that time we’ll all have a good idea of who we are and where…