Posts Tagged ‘california wine’

May 18, 2006

Two Buck Chuck Creator: An Articulate Guy

It’s hard to get a handle on Fred Franzia, CEO of Bronco Wine Company and producer of Two Buck Chuck, among other wine brands. Reading about his life and attitudes and beliefs in the latest issue of INC, you get the impression this is a man who will pull no punches and go after the things he wants in a fairly direct fashion. Among the brands owned by Bronco Wine Company are: ForestVille, Estrella, Charles Shaw, Montpellier, Grand Cru, Silver…

May 17, 2006

Zinfandel is Officially Not Official, Just Historic

I don’t think I can agree with Mike Dunne more than I do. In his frank fashion, Dunne, the longstanding wine writer for the Sacramento Bee, takes to task the wine industry’s associations for not getting behind an effort to name Zinfandel the "historic wine of California." Some of you will recall that not too long ago California State Senator Carole Migden pushed a proposal to name Zinfandel the Official State Grape. Well, this didn’t go over to well with…

May 17, 2006

10 THINGS: You’ll Never See On A Wine’s Back Label

10 THINGS…YOU’LL NEVER SEE ON A BACK LABEL OF  A WINE1. A description of the health benefits of wine 2. The wineries suggested retail price for the wine 3. An apology for the high alcohol content in the wine 4. A list of the MOG —materials other than grapes—in the wine (you probably don’t want to know) 5. The name of the person who designed the back label 6. A suggestion you pair the wine with sauteed liver and onions…

May 15, 2006

No CAP for Florida Wine Consumers

Here’s good news… The Florida legislature has apparently refused to pass a bill that would have put a cap on the size of the winery that is allowed to ship wine to Florida consumers. The Florida House passed a bill restricting direct shipping only to those wineries that produced 250,000 gallons of wine annually or less. The cap provision is protectionism, pure and simple. It is a provision that protects large distributors from having to compete with the convenience that…

May 15, 2006

Mainstreaming of Rap Music & Wine

As I was driving up Highway 280 from San Jose back to Glen Ellen after visiting my mother I heard something on the radio that was arresting. It was a radio commercial for a wine that mocked rap music in an attempt to present and market the wine. The commercial went something like this: To make it these days you need a rap star to endorse your product. No rap star would return our calls. So, we’ll do it ourselves….