Archive for the ‘Wine Consumers’ Category

Dec 7, 2012

Saving the Idea of “Reserve” At Smith-Madrone Winery

Here’s something relatively rare in the wine business: An established Napa Valley winery that has never affixed the term “Reserve” to a wine. You can swing a dead cat in this Valley and knock over five or six “Reserve” wines before the feline makes a full revolution. But, say what you will about the term “Reserve” on wines (The term isn’t regulated”. “There are too many synonyms for the term”. “It’s just a marketing gimmick”), the fact is it can…

Nov 29, 2012

The Decline and Divide Among French and American Wine Culture

In France, still I think the undisputed center of the wine world, per capita consumption continues to drop. A new report out of France shows that the the average French adult now consumes not more than 1 glass of wine per day. This amounts to an annual per capita consumption level of roughly 53 liters. To give you a sense of the on going and historic decline in French wine consumption, consider that in 1965 average per capita consumption of…

Nov 28, 2012

The Manual For Giving Wine As a Gift

It is the holidays and gift giving is in the air. One question for those living a wine-minded life is how best to give wine as a gift? After all, we wine lovers to like to pass on our obsession, either in writing, in talk or in gift. Off the bat, let’s agree that a good and proper gift is one that at least demonstrates the giver has thought about the recipient and their nature. This is a low bar…

Nov 8, 2012

The Brilliant Las Vegas Wine & Spirits Innovation

Anyone who has ever spent any leisure time in Las Vegas must have noticed that it is a creation of monumental uniqueness: a city dedicated to promoting and encouraging excessive sinning where common sense and traditional ideas of decorum really have no place. It’s no surprise either that alcohol plays a central role in its presentation of the excessive lifestyle. Throughout the late 1990s and into the 2000s, Vegas was considered the “Black Hole of Fine Wine”, the place where…

Nov 5, 2012

A Return To Sanity Calls For A Drink…Or Two

It almost feels like a dream come true. But when I look at the calendar I’m assured it’s true. After more than two years of being constantly subjected to announcements of exploratory commissions and announcements of new candidacies, of constant campaigning, scores of debates, ludicrous campaign promises, and poll after poll after poll, the campaign for President of the United States appears to finally be over tomorrow. If anything was cause for a drink, it’s the end of the presidential…