Archive for the ‘Wine Consumers’ Category

Jan 25, 2013

Woe Is Sonoma Valley—For It Is Within the County

Decanter Magazine reports that a survey by the folks over at Wine Opinions has discovered that few wine buyers “differentiate between Sonoma County and Sonoma Valley and that using both on a label may even be a disadvantage.” A disadvantage to the folks making “Sonoma Valley” wine, that is. Of course it’s a disadvantage. And yet, after a “conjunctive labeling” law was pushed through the state legislature at the behest of the Sonoma County Vintners Association in 2010, it is…

Jan 23, 2013

Big News Tells Big Truths About the Alcohol Industry

There are a very small number of newspapers in America that still possess a combination of great prestige and serve as the information source for such a large number of people that it becomes important when these newspapers raise an issue or take a stand. I call this category of information sources “Big News”. Sitting atop this small group of newspapers are the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Like them or hate them, these two daily papers…

Jan 8, 2013

The Abysmal Selection Faced by American Wine Consumers

For a few days now I’ve been staring at this study of “Concentration in the U.S. Wine Industry”. It has a spiffy graphic that I like. And I learned that three large wine companies with multiple brands account for 50% of all wine sales in the U.S. The point of the study comes down to the question the authors pose and attempt to answer: “What impact does this industry concentration have on consumer choices?” The problem is the question is…

Jan 4, 2013

Pinot, Pork Loin and Consumers: The Grocery Store and Wine Debate

Seventeen states ban the sale of wine in grocery stores. Seventeen. The question this brings to mind is this: Is this policy of prohibiting consumers from purchasing a Pinot when they purchase their pork loin justifiable? I’ve been pondering this as at least four states gear up to look at their wine-in-grocery store policy in 2013: Kansas, Kentucky, New York, and Tennessee. What’s fascinating is that this debate never happens over the issue of “is the current policy justifiable”. Do…

Dec 31, 2012

5 Wishes for Wine in 2013

Without hope, there is no sense in going on. Hope sustains us. Hope motivates us. With hope there is no action. Hope is the seed that grows into a wish. MY WISHES FOR WINE IN 2013 1. The Natural Wine Movement Reforms Itself I wish 2013 is the year that those who self-identify with and promote the “Natural Wine” movement finally give credit where credit is due and recognize all the artisan producers everywhere who have for years (decades, really),…