Archive for the ‘Wine Gossip’ Category

Apr 14, 2009

The Rich Folks Guide to Wine Buying in a Recession

All wine lovers are reacting to economic down turn in different ways: Fear, apprehension, taking advantage, slowing down.One thing is for sure, though. If you can afford to buy wine, now has never been a better time. Lots of deals out there to choose from and great price/quality ratios across categories. The thing is, no one thinks of the Rich Folk's interests in time like this. So I thought I might put together a quick "Rich Folk's Guide to Wine…

Apr 1, 2009

Wet Paint & Wine

It's important for me to note that I endorse THIS in no way. THIS only minimizes the serious nature of wine and wine drinking. In fact, THIS purports to be humor, but in reality THIS is just another blow to the industry when the industry needs nothing like THIS. Is THIS really what people want to read? Only a few years ago THIS sort of thing would never fly. THIS would have been condemned. THIS really is harmful to a…

Feb 18, 2009

Ready for That Slap Across the Face

If you've ever been to the Tadich Grill in San Francisco then you know the feeling of being enveloped in the crushing embrace of old school epicurean culture. You know that feeling of wading into a pool of hedonism soaked humanity of the rough and proper sort. The 21 Club in New York, though probably more compelling to the swinging proper crowd, is also said to exude an old school crush of culinary and imbibiious delights. Mention of these two…

Feb 11, 2009

Programming Wine

So, it's late last night. I'm in bed. Ready to soak up some TV. Tivo: nothing. Nothing recorded by me or the little man inside the box that interests me. And then it struck me: Why the heck isn't there "The Wine Channel"? Now, there is no doubt that across the wine related video is proliferating. We have independents creating Internet-based wine content, wine stores delivering video, wineries producing video and video recordings of wine-related events. But wine simply has…

Jan 12, 2009

Don’t Count on Obama as the “Wine President”

I am starting to be a bit concerned with the mountains of hope that are being heaped upon our president elect. Besides the hope that he will be a new kind of president, a war ending president, an economy mixing president, a health-care fixing president and truly green president, it also appears there is hope running around the wine industry that he will be a "Wine President". The evidence that Obama is something of a connoisseur or even a simple…